Learning Spanish

Learning Spanish is important for several reasons, including:
Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world, and the official language of 21 countries. Additionally, it is the second most used language on social media and the third on the Internet.
Learning Spanish allows you to explore the culture of Spanish-speaking countries, including their cinema, literature, music, architecture, and gastronomy.
Speaking Spanish can enhance your resume and professional prospects. In English-speaking countries, speaking Spanish can result in a salary increase of 30% to 50%.
Learning a second language can enhance brain flexibility and concentration, and help prevent diseases like Alzheimer's or dementia.
It is one of the world's major languages, so you are likely to encounter people who speak Spanish and make new friends.
Hispanics are the largest minority in the United States, with the majority being Spanish speakers.
No need to learn a new alphabet and words are spelled phonetically.